You can find wild horses, although you'll fail to capture one for the first time and it's time cosuming since you don't have a horse. 1] Violence is not allowed in the game. Also realize that those answering the 'question' will not receive any helper points for this. Upon your horse's passing, all tack and companions will return to your inventory. However, non-subscribers can't own a ranch and can only breed by breeding with another player's horses on their studs list. To make it enjoyable for all, we do not allow players to harass others, use rude, obscene or obnoxious language, or in any way degrade the enjoyment of the game for others. 3] Since horses cannot be harmed any form of "rescue" group is not allowed. 2] Harassment is STRICTLY against the rules, do NOT engage in it. 5] NOTE: If you feel that a Moderator is treating you unfairly in any way, please file a legitimate Abuse Report. There's your Trilobite fossil. Several elements of the original game were retained, including the ability to find and catch wild horses, quests given by NPCs, mining for valuable gems, and puzzles and riddles scattered around the world for players to complete. 2] This can include but is not limited to: Scamming, Stealing, Theft, etc. 500 means the horse is in normal mood. Slide rule from somewhere around AngleTon - Talk to ProfMarathon at the City Hall. Again, do not trade anything off your account. Then care, train and feed your horses. At this time your account will auto-delete one year after the last time you signed in, or one year after your subscription expires, whichever is later. windowHref = windowHref.replace(/'/g, "%27"); Pity Ploys in Order to Gain Horse Isle Items So, keep your password well hidden and not easy to guess. 3] Begging is strictly against the rules - the aim of the game is to earn what ever it is that you want, and begging takes the fun out of the game. Dry Island. 1] Horse Isle itself does NOT run these, players choose to run these. 2] There are NO available cheats on Horse Isle for you to use, please do not voluntarily go looking for these sites, your efforts will be in vain. Hundreds of game characters to interact with. 1] Your account can be banned by the admins if you have broken the rules. Quests 6] Please do not consistently bring up the same topic - if you have already discussed the topic, please do not bring it up again, this can be annoying to other players. After you have cleared your history, reconnect to Horse Isle. 2] Please be careful when considering trading money or items for services rendered, the service might not be performed while the player advertising the service receives and keeps the money or item. Item Lists. 1] No offensive or inflammatory language. Horse Isle 2 Help. Bullying Utilizes Flash 10 to play right in your web browser! She tells you that the best place is on Ice Cube Isle. If you have a problem, please rather start a Support Issue for the Admin with a legitimate query. #1) Download Flash Projector for Windows here: #2) Download and place anywhere you want to start HI2. } 4] Never abuse the !STUCK command. 3] An acceptable way to ask for help with riddles on Area chat would be "Please PM me if you can help with a riddle." 1] A Horse Isle Moderator is someone who is enabled to enforce the rules of Horse Isle - someone who mediates disputes and attempts to avoid conflict. This sends everyone in the area to the Dungeon. Regular, adequate rest, food and drink are required to keep a horse in prime condition. Compete in 8+ horse arenas with up to 8 others at once. Groom can be increased by going to a groomer and pay horse isle money (1000), if your horse's groom is 0, you can't ride it (instead, a "this horse's groom is too poor, riding so may cause saddle sores" message will appear if the player attempts to ride the horse). Again, do not trade anything off your account. Reward: $15,000 and 50 Quest Points. Doing so is considered cheating and will result in losing everything that was moved if not losing both accounts completely. This sends everyone in the area to the Dungeon. ); Horses are the animals in horse isle that can be ridden, making the player travel two times faster than walking. 5] If the player continues, please Personally Mute them immediately without further discussing anything with them, and file an Abuse Report. Websites Inflammatory Speech/Topics 1] The definition of Bullying: "a blustering, quarrelsome, overbearing person who habitually badgers and intimidates smaller or weaker people; to act the bully toward; intimidate; domineer" ( 2] Your account is responsible for any violations incurred, regardless of who you claim has done it. Trading Between Games Anyone who does continue in ANY way with the discussion will be muted without warning. ( Quitting/Starting Over Should you decide to play again with a new account you could get these things back and that would be cheating. Awards. Not all species of wild horses can be found in a same terrian. 1] Trading on a promise is when one player gives something to another under the promise that the other will do their half of the trade, or return the traded item, at a later time. 1] Players are 100% responsible for their accounts. You might want to get a horse if you don't have one, here are a few tips: You can find wild horses, although you'll fail to capture one for the first time and it's time cosuming since you don't have a horse. 3] Services offered can include but are not limited to: Training, Boarding, Collecting, etc. 2] If two players both find this horse, the person who catches it, OWNS it. 3] If you log in and things don't seem to be working properly, click "TOOLS" in your Internet Explorer or FireFox Browser and then click "INTERNET OPTIONS", and then click the "DELETE" button under "BROWSING HISTORY". If a player refuses to use this system, it is advisable to not make a deal with them. Horse Isle is set in a fictional world wherein players can capture, take care of, train and breed horses. MrsForeCastle in Yellow Isle's Dockhouse tells you the meaning of the hieroglyphs used in the codes on the Obelisks for a meer $25,000. 3] The abuse report will send the report that is filled out by the player along with a short chat log. 6] Players may Only role play on ranch isles and Only if the ranch owner allows role playing on the ranch. 3] Trading on a promise includes, but is not limited to: trading between HI1 and HI2, boarding a horse with another player not using the leasing system, lending items/pets/money, trading an item/horse/money with the player promising to pay you back later, having a horse trained without using the in-game system. At the General Store. forcibly removed. 1] Slaughter topics are inappropriate and should not be discussed at any time, we all love animals and do not appreciate these sorts of topics. Interacting with other players via chat, private chat, postal messages, actions, trading, competitive mini-games, and cooperative mini-games. 2] Please do NOT spam at any time (posting useless, or similar posts over and over again); Anouncements. 20+ unique communities located on different islands and climates. enjoy (there is more to come soon) Marshy Isle. New This week 12/17/16. 8] If you steal from another player, you will be banned. This means no blood, gore, ripping apart, killing, harming anything. Breeding is only available in life cycle. Anyone who does continue in ANY way with the discussion will be muted without warning. Competitions became entirely player-created, with the ability to chop wood, build jumps and create obstacles, creating a wider range of competitions for players to take part in. Please be aware that proper care is vitally important in this game. Any valuables or money exchanged beforehand, could result in the player being banned. 1] Horse Isle itself does NOT run these, players choose to run these. 5] If you find a bug and take advantage of it, that's cheating, and you could lose your account. Player Politeness Anouncements. 5] Ownership of a Club may be transferred only once per year. Horse Isle (Official) 5] If another player does harass or beg you for it, kindly tell them no, and nicely ask them not to continue asking. Clean, nonviolent fun, with some education tossed in! Religion 2] Horses marked "Not selling now" may or may not be for sale. Then go to the horses tab and choose "Feed" and choose the water filled bucket to give to your horse. This is still a work in progress. Horse Isle 2 featured an enlarged version of the original map, introducing many new 'isles' and towns for players to visit. Searching the world for buried treasures, rare items, and hidden adventures. Under General Tab - Rename the Icon to "HI2-Eternal" or similar. Take that time to go over the rules and be sure you understand them so you do not acquire more once your ban is up. 4] To contact Admin please go to the Horse Isle MAIN page ( and click the "Help" button at the top, then start a Support Issue. So make sure your horse's groom stays at least above 500. 2] The definition of a scam: "a confidence game or other fraudulent scheme, esp. 2] We do not advise that you hold these or partake in them, but if you choose to, please take note that this is YOUR liability. font-family: SQMarket-Medium; These can be cured by the local veterinarian, however, they charge a fee, so be sure you have money on hand (horse isle money, of course!). 1] The leasing system is set up to make it safe to lease a horse to another player for boarding or training purposes. 1] Please keep in mind that Horse Isle is a site open to all people, or all ages, in all countries, many share different beliefs, opinions, etc. 3] If your opinions happen to be offensive to anyone else, or will result in an argumentative discussion, please do NOT further discuss the topic. The other section is items you can find in stores. Unlike Horse Isle 1, however, where all colors in a breed occurred with equal frequency, you will find that colors of horses in this game occur with roughly the average frequency that they do in real life; that is a color which is very rare in real life will be very rare in horse isle as well. 1] We do not endorse Horse Isle services attempted to be sold by other players, but do not prohibit the action. 1] Please assure that you do NOT deliberately break rules. 1] The definition of Anarchy: "To gather a group of two or more players in an effort to cause disrupt, chaos, or disorder in order to make a specific point." 2] Remember that rules allow us to help you get the most out of the game, please keep to the rules accordingly. Meadow. With unique weather systems. Abused Horses Claims Profiles Remember to read the Main Rules page for easy reference. Now if you found a wild horse, the more challenging step is to CATCH it. Do Not directly Trade the horse to another player. 4] If the player is still attempting to bully or harass you into selling it, please personally mute them immediately and file an abuse report. They are the mystical horses on Horse Isle 2. Buying and building up your very own ranch, making a piece of Horse Isle your very own! A horse Isle 2 guide by a Lost one. 4] We will not dispute these violations. Our goal is to provide as much accurate information to the public as possible. In some cases, you will be able to find horses in colors which are not acceptable for breed registration in real life (for example, chestnut Andalusians and fox (chestnut) Friesians), but which do actually occur from time to time and are very beautiful. 8] The selling of an active Club without contacting Support can result in the banning of the owner's account since it's impossible for ownership to be transferred without admins approval. The many questions from the 2 newbies sisters combined with the lack of a public and updated wiki gave GlowCat the idea. font-style: normal; Mini Games. Glitches or Bugs A player can lease a horse for a specified period of time from another player. The many questions from the 2 newbies sisters combined with the lack of a public and updated wiki gave GlowCat the idea. Completing these can earn you awards and bonuses. 2] Players cannot ask to become a moderator, the site Admins will look for helpful players meeting requirements on their own. At the General Store. 3] Please do NOT attempt to dodge or avoid this filter in any way, this is strictly against the rules. 5] Players may not advertise for anyone else, including advertising ranch parties to be held at another player's ranch or a buddy trying to sell something. 2] Horse Isle does not advise that you pay for training ahead of time, however it does not prohibit it. Then in your interactions (also where the quizzes are shown) chat it should say you filled it up. Horse Isle 2 Help Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. e.g. In addition to the basic NPC quests, the game also featured an overarching goal of players finding and completing the quests given by twelve "Esrohs", each of which took considerable time and effort. Because FutileFantasy has a little experience in using and updating wikis, she agreed to take . Naming and taking care of your horses. The Lands of Horse Isle: HI1-The Secret Land of Horses and HI2-The Legend of the Esrohs 5] If the player continues please file an Abuse Report, and Personally Mute the player immediately to avoid any conflict. Changing your Playername 2] If a player wants to go to the Dungeon on their own there is a NPC (non-player character) that will send them. 5] Do not be concerned if you have 1 or 2 points against you. 2] If you have a controversial topic that you want to discuss, please keep it to Personal Messages, these topics do get out of hand because players share different beliefs. In order to increase your odds of winning, use a happy horse. Story Telling Do not create a new account until we tell you that you may. 1] If another player has muted you, do NOT attempt to contact them in any other way. 2] In other words, someone or something you don't like for any particular reason. A large multiplayer online horse world where players can capture, train, care for and compete their horses against other players. Horse Isle 2 Help Forum. Trying to get the highest score or best times of many different tracked games. They have the ability to jump you nearby to get you unstuck. The artwork in the first two games is two-dimensional; in Horse Isle 3, the game is three-dimensional, allowing players to create avatars based on real-life appearances. 4] If you are told by a Moderator to end the discussion immediately, please listen and do NOT continue. All of these traits will affect horses' behavior and performance, for example, if a horse is extremely lazy, it constantly buck you off so that it can rest. Search this site. 1] Remember that being nice and polite makes the game enjoyable for everyone. Group activities include drawing rooms, music rooms, and poetry rooms! We are a team of 3 sisters; GreenGoblin, FutileFantasy, and GlowCat. Discover, share and add your knowledge! Moderators if (document.cookie.match(/(^|;)\s*is_mobile=1/)) { 1] If you ask another player for advice on pricing your horses, do NOT hold that player responsible for any false advice given, this is your responsibility to price accordingly. 1] Please do NOT attempt to "sell" the location of a wild horse, if you do not have the space, either point out its location or move on. Forums Given a Flash workaround, the game is still available to play. You have no way of knowing who is answering the question and what their experience level is. Use your magnifying glass near the dresser behind HappySmurl to find the locket. 3] If for some reason, players want to get others together to send a group to the Dungeon they may only do so on a ranch isle. 4] You may not charge any fees for any contests. A brief rest and a quick meal will not completely cure a run-down horse. Head south, past two Venus Flytraps, you'll see him above the third. 1] The definition of a chat filter: "To remove or replace any given word, which is unsuitable or against the rules". 9] If your violations are of a serious nature (sexually explicit, severe filter avoidance, etc) your account may be permanently banned, without warning, before reaching 10 violations. 2] An example: "We HATE MODS club - they are mean, and they do horrid things and try to rule us with their power, they are bad - don't trust them!1!! e.g. } I am a lost player. 3] Moderators are in place in order to enforce rules and keep the . This is still a work in progress. You can always adopt surrendered horses in the livery. HI3 is fully 3D, yet retains the unique charm of the previous games. 1] Once a horse or item leaves your account, it no longer belongs to you, although you can file an Abuse Report if an unfair trade has been performed. 1] Please do not ask another player to buy a horse that is NOT set under the "Sell for good price" or "Want to sell" tags. 5] Please do not ask for advice on love relationships on Horse Isle, this is a game and not a consultancy. Compete in 8+ horse arenas with up to 8 others at once. supply at the store. 1] It is against Horse Isle rules to use any date speak, this is not a dating service, please do NOT go deliberately looking for boyfriends or girlfriends as this will result in a warning. 3] Please remember to LOOK before asking if a player has any horses for sale. 4] A Multiple account is when you sign up for more than one playername; e.g. In 2015, the game experienced a number of DDOS (distributed denial of service) attacks. Wild Horses Hundreds of unique objects that can be found in the world or handled during quests. Where is the Record Press on Vine Isle in HorseIsle 2? At this time your account will not auto-delete. fandomiz. Then care, train and feed your horses. 5] Remember that if you are seeking lost horses and willing to offer a good price, to please use the ADS Chat or Classified Ads function. Bonuses. Keep all personal relationship topics out of discussion. or $5/mo USD game memberships provide many benefits. (You can check a list of horses for sale in the city hall). Development began in 2018, with several rounds of beta testing taking place in early- to mid-2019, undertaken by staff and volunteer players from the first two games. 2] The definition of offensive is: "characterized by attack; aggressive, causing resentful displeasure; highly irritating, angering, or annoying, the position or attitude of aggression or attack" > -1) { Although the world graphics are simple 2D, they have been beautifully designed to create an interesting and vast world to explore. Windows here: # 2 ) Download Flash Projector for Windows here: # 2 ) Flash. Be transferred only once per year Isle does not advise that you pay for training ahead of,... Wikis, she agreed to take you unstuck messages, actions, trading, competitive mini-games and. Score or best times of many different tracked Games highest score or best of. Legitimate Abuse Report experience level is we tell you that the best place is Ice... 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